Saturday, December 16, 2017

Sectional Garage Door or Solid Garage Door Advantages and Disadvantages

You might not know what the big deal is about having a sectional garage door installed versus having a solid or single door garage installed. At Marietta Garage Door Repair, we are here to tell you that there are some significant differences that you should be aware of. Getting a new garage is about style and design preference. Most importantly it is about functionality. When you are choosing a brand new garage door, you’ll have some serious decisions to make. You may have the decision of choosing between a sectional garage door or a solid garage door. In order to make the right decision, you will need to be equipped with information about both types of doors. Our job is to provide you with this information.


What is a Solid Garage Door

At one point in time, there were far more solid garage doors being installed than sectional. It could be simply because people were more familiar with the solid door than they were to the sectional. Once introduced, people were not quick to make the change to the unfamiliar. The solid door is just that. It is a single slab of material (aluminum, fiberglass, etc.) that slides up or down. It goes directly above the garage door entrance. Most are installed on a hinge, attached to your door jam. Once everything is in place and the springs are attached, you can begin using your solid garage door. While both types of doors utilize roughly the same amount of space, the way they operate is very different.

Advantages of a Solid Door

There are certainly advantages and disadvantages to everything, including having a solid garage door installed. We would love to discuss the things that homeowners see as an advantage in having a solid door installed.

  • Retrofit – The solid door will sit perfectly fine within an existing doors hardware and frame.
  • Affordability – It is often less expensive to have a solid door installed than it is to have a sectional door. This is because they are not made with the same materials and they use different types of springs and cables. The biggest difference is due to the amount of parts that the sectional door has that the solid panel door does not. Fewer parts means less time to install your door.
  • Plenty of Choices – Since this is a single slab of material, you’ll never have to worry about matching up the pieces to make your door look complete. Working with only one slab makes the installation process simpler for our installers. This also means that you are able to choose from a large selection of doors in various designs and materials. The same cannot be said of the sectional garage door. While you will have plenty of choices, it is harder to match up the pieces of the door. Making it look cohesive might be a little more of a challenge when you have a sectional garage door installed.
  • Easy installation & Maintenance – Again, with fewer parts it is easier to install a solid door. You are also able to keep up with the repairs for the door as a single panel door doesn’t tend to have as many repair needs as a sectional door. When it is time to have maintenance performed on your solid door, it is usually pretty straight-forward and uncomplicated. When you have a sectional garage door installed, it takes far more time to install due to the many parts associated with the door. Unfortunately, due to the amount of parts, there is the possibility of a part being left out of the installation of the sectional door. This rarely occurs but there is still that possibility.

You may still be inclined to go with the sectional door rather than a solid door for whatever reason. You’re certainly entitled to have the type of door that you believe will be best suited for your needs. However, now that you know why some people might prefer the solid door, here is why they might prefer a sectional garage door.

  • Safety – The solid panel door has had its fair share of problems. The springs used on single panel doors used to be far more dangerous than they are now. They used to break due to the lack of maintenance. The connectors begin to rust and the homeowner doesn’t do anything about it. Once they rust, it is just a matter of time before the spring breaks. Those who are aware of this might choose the sectional door for fear of this happening to them.
  • Space – You are able to park your car closer to the door than if you had a solid door. This is because the way a sectional door opens; it will not damage your car. The sectional door offers you more garage space in the front and back. If you already have two or even three cars utilizing your garage door space, you might be more interested in this type of garage door due to the amount of space it affords you.
  • Improved insulation – You can benefit from the insulating feature of a sectional garage door by seeing lower energy bills.
  • Less expensive damage repairs – Since the door is not banging up against your car, you won’t have to worry about continuing to pay to have repairs made to your car or your garage. If you have damages to your door, keep in mind that you when you need to have repairs made, it is usually only to one section of your door.

Now that you are aware of the advantages and disadvantages of both types of doors, the choice is up to you. Consider which matters the most to you and how you can benefit the most. Don’t make your decision based on someone else’s. You are the one who has to live with your final decision. It will ultimately affect your bottom line, how much you have to spend in maintenance and repairs. Choose wisely.


Article source here: Sectional Garage Door or Solid Garage Door Advantages and Disadvantages

Saturday, November 25, 2017


Have you ever done this? Have you driven home and noticed to your horror that your garage door was open? A thousand thoughts go through your head; did you forget to hit the remote to close it? Is someone home and THEY forget and left it open? Is something wrong with your garage door and it opened on its own? What in the world happened?

As you drive into your garage, your suspicions increase. Is someone (crook, burglar) in your home now? Have they taken your valuables and turned your house inside out? Are your pets ok? As your mind tries to come to grips with your open garage door, you really don’t know what to think. Here at Marietta Garage Door Repair we sometimes get calls describing this type of scenario. Usually, the problem is NOT as dire as it appears. Sometimes garage doors open or close on their own. You always have the choice of calling a local Marietta, GA garage door repair technician but often, the problem is easy to fix and simple to find all on your own.

The culprit…

Take one of our customers for example. He started noticing that every day when he came home for lunch that his garage would automatically open by itself. After first thinking that his wife was had come home and was joining him for a quick sandwich, he soon discovered that he was still alone but that someone or something had opened his garage door! After a few days of this strange garage door behavior he realized that every time his garage door “acted up” that his new neighbor 2 doors down had also come home for her lunch break. They both shared the same manufacturer of garage door opener and as it turned out, she had recently reset her remote’s garage door code.

Do all opener remotes do this?

No! Newer garage door opener models deploy a rolling code sequence that eliminates this anomaly. It is the older garage door opener systems that have a set number of codes built in. Since there are fewer numbers involved, the chances are greater that one might be matched to yours and this can easily result in your garage door opening (or closing) without any assistance from you. By the way, our customer helped his new neighbor adjust her remote so that she had a different code all to her own and all the mysterious garage door activity soon came to an end.

Another possible culprit

Most mysterious garage door openings and closings are the result of matched garage door remote frequencies but sometimes, another culprit is to blame. The transmitter in your opener unit may need to be reset. Don’t worry; this is easy to do and you won’t need to call for a local Marietta, GA garage door repair expert either. You’ll need to find the learn button for your opener unit. Look for it under the light cover or over the antenna wire that hangs over the motor head. Look for the button that is red, yellow, purple or green. This learn button has two functions. One is to clear the opener’s memory, and the other is to program the opener’s accessories. Did you find it? Press down on it and hold it for a few seconds. Soon, you will notice the indicator lights have started to blink. Ok, now press the learn button again and this action will reset the transmitter. Try doing this and see if it doesn’t clear up your problem with those mysterious garage door openings and closings. If you need help, simply refer to your opener’s owner’s manual or look online for videos that show this simple process in more detail.

More possibilities

If your garage door is still opening or closing mysteriously, be sure to check the battery in your remote. A weak or run-down battery can give off random signals that might play havoc with your garage door as well as your neighbors. Check your battery at home if you have a tester. If not, you can go to most any local Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Target, Home Depot or Lowe’s store and have them test it. You are under no obligation to buy a new one from them but if you need one and they were kind enough to test your old one, why not? A new battery tester will run you about $20 so it might be a good investment over the long run. While you have your remote open, be sure to check on a couple of other things. Make sure that your battery is not leaking as battery fluid can also interfere with the signal sent. Loose terminals can prevent your battery from making proper contact so make sure that your remote’s terminals are tight enough to hold the battery in place firmly. If not, gently squeeze them together until they are.

It may be time

If none of these simple measures work, and your garage door is still acting erratically by opening or closing on its own, it may be time to upgrade to a new model. Whether you buy a new garage door opener from us or from another local Marietta, GA garage door repair shop, your purchase will provide you with more updated remote choices that include rolling codes with practically unlimited frequencies. New garage door opener models come in a variety of forms and price ranges. There is sure to be something ideal for your budget and garage door needs.

It might be a good idea to browse some opener models online or in stores. Read reviews and ask questions. Bear in mind that many store clerks will not have answers to all of your questions but you can call the manufacturer’s customer service number which is usually toll free. Local garage door repair shops also offer free estimates and no-cost, no-obligation details on any model that you might be interested in. You will have to upgrade sooner or later so if you are having spotty garage door performance, you should seriously consider doing so now.


Monday, July 24, 2017


Does your garage do more than serve as a storage place for your car? If your garage doubles as a workshop, office, or game room, then it’s important to have an insulated garage door. When you insulate your garage properly, you’ll achieve maximized thermal efficiency with optimized reduction of air infiltration. That way, in any temperature, a well-insulated garage will give you a viable space all year, keeping you fully comfortable. You’ll keep as much cold out as possible during winter, and as much heat out as possible during summer.

Protection in Cold Weather

Even if the temperature were to drop below freezing, when your garage is winterized, you’ll save a lot of money and time.

Insulate the garage walls. Proper installation of insulation in your garage requires that you closely study the installation guide. Be sure to choose the right insulation thickness for the walls of your garage. Typical mistakes people make are: not fastening the batt insulation securely; cutting it too short or too long for the location; or not properly supporting it. Keep in mind that the insulation must fit snugly; nevertheless, don’t jam it in too tightly.

Insulate the garage door. A large variety of products is available to you for insulating the garage door, including a specifically designed kit to do so. Effective insulation options include foam board, reflective barriers, and Fiberglass batt insulation.

No matter which option you choose, first you’ll have to cut the insulation to fill your garage door panels. Next, secure them with adhesive, each piece firmly in place. If your garage door doesn’t have recessed panels, the job will be easier.


For most folks, the prospect of insulating the garage by yourself is too overwhelming. If it’s all too much, then hire a dependable professional to install a modern-designed insulated garage door for you. If you are located anywhere in Marietta, Georgia, then consider hiring a trusty professional from a reputable garage door company such as Marietta Garage Door Repair.

Insulate the entire garage. If your garage ever becomes too cold, it can damage not only your car, but also anything else you have in storage. Are your washing machine and dryer kept in the garage? If your washer still has water left in the pump or lines, it can freeze and crack. The same risk is possible with your vehicle’s fuel gels, which can freeze in the combustion engine. Another possibility that can arise is that paint can separate and become ruined during prolonged periods of freezing temperatures.

Repair or replace your weatherstripping. Weatherstripping will create an effective seal between your garage door opening and the garage door. If you notice any cold draft leaking into the garage between the garage door frame and the garage door, then take away any of the existing weatherstripping if you see that it is cracked or brittle. Scrape off any sealant that remains, using a putty knife and pry bar or flat scraper. Make sure the surface is as clean and even as possible. After you remove the old weatherstripping completely, then measure correctly in order to apply the new weatherstripping. To align it, close the garage door and make sure the rubber flap slightly flattens against it. You will have an effective seal and the garage door will operate smoothly.

Install a unit heater in the garage. Weatherstripping and insulation will keep your garage protected from extremely cold temperatures in winter weather, but if you’d like to be extra warm, then add a unit heater. (On the other hand, if you’re located where your winters are mild, then an electric unit heater is probably all you’ll need, since you’ll need heat only once in a great while.) You can heat your garage with minimal construction costs and space requirements. Overall, gas-fired units are normally cheaper to operate, but they’re more difficult to install since they require a gas supply and exhaust venting. There’s also the electric model, which is easier to install yet more expensive to manage. A particularly efficient electric option is the mini-split heat pump, which provides efficient cooling and heating for your garage with a mere 3″ hole through an outside wall.


Protection in Hot Weather

During summer, your main objective is to enhance the airflow throughout the garage. Taking even just one of these measures is definitely worth considering:


Insulate the garage ceiling. If you use paper-backed batt insulation, ceiling wallboard isn’t needed. Install the insulation with staples, paper side down, or put the insulation in place using netting. You can also apply staples to fasten the netting. Professional garage door technicians advise you to do both.


Plant a tree close by. A hardwood or deciduous tree is an aesthetic and economical way to cool your garage down during summer. (And, it even keeps your garage warm during winter.) Plant the tree between the garage and the position of the sun in the warmest part of the day. The leaves will provide shade. (In winter, the bare branches will allow sunlight to come through, providing warmth.)


Leave the garage door open slightly, about a foot from the ground, and add a fan, too.


Wall insulation keeps out summer heat with desirable efficiency. Use wallboard or other paneling to encapsulate the material. You’ll prevent pets, toddlers, and teenagers from tearing things out.


Install a stationary vent on the roof. This is an inexpensive way to create an exit point for hot air that gets trapped in the garage’s attic. Or, if your budget allows it, install a mechanical exhaust system. Fans will draw cooler air from the garage into the attic. This will cool down the attic as well as the space below.


Insulate the garage overhead door. For a metal garage door, add a layer of rigid insulation that’s 2″ thick, attached to the inside of each panel with contact cement. Or, an insulated sectional overhead door is a superior alternative.


Attach an adjustable rollaway awning onto the garage’s sunny side. The shade will cool things off during the summer.


Monday, July 10, 2017

Marietta Garage Door Repair: Check These Things When Your Garage Door Is Not Working

You are just pulling into your driveway from a long road trip, and you have been longing for your bed for the past 10 minutes. You finally turn onto your street. Next, you turn into your driveway. You hit the button to open your garage door. It starts to open. You get ready to pull in, but it suddenly reverses closed. Or – the door didn’t open in the first place. Or – the door did open, you drove into the garage, but the door will not close. Whatever the issue with your garage door opener, you need to get it fixed. Depending on what kind of expensive equipment you keep in your garage, keeping the door open all night may not be an option for you. Keep reading to see some common problems that will cause your garage door not to work, and in some cases, some easy fixes you can employ.


Door does not respond to opener, but responds to wall switch

If you arrive home and press the opener button and nothing happens, your next step will be to go to your wall switch. If you press the wall switch and the door works correctly, you know that you are having issues with your opener. The most basic issue could be the remote or transmitter batteries. In order for the opener to work correctly it has to be receiving power. If your garage door system is not responding to your remote, change the batteries. Hopefully this fixes the issue and you will be able to move on with your day. If you have multiple transmitters in multiple vehicles, the batteries should be changed in all of them. Once the batteries are properly in place (all plus and minus signals line up), check that each remote can properly operate the door.


Photo eye is not aligned

In 1993 the law around garage door systems changed. All doors (manufactured after that date), must have a photo eye safety system. These photo eye sensors are located on the bottom of each side of the door. The sensors send a laser beam across to each other. Anytime this beam is interrupted, it signals the door that something is in the path and the door should stop. This was created as a safety precaution to prevent doors closing on people. If your door opens with no problem, but doesn’t want to close, this could be the issue. The photo eyes can become dirty or misaligned, which would cause the door to be unable to close. A quick fix is to clean the photo eye lenses (use a soft cloth and mild cleaner). The photo eye lens is similar to a camera lens, so it should be treated with the same care. Because of the location of the sensors, it is very easy for garbage and environmental debris to build up on or around the photo eye. Once clean, give it a try and see if the door will work correctly.


If not, the eyes may be misaligned. The eyes should be pointing in the same direction and at the same exact angle. They will not work if there is a misalignment. Make sure the photo eyes are standing at the same height, and you can use a laser level to ensure that they are pointing along a straight line at each other. This is important because if the beam between the two photo eyes is interrupted, the door will not work.


Track out of alignment

In order for your door to move, the track must be lined up properly. If the track is misaligned, this can cause your door to jam, it can cause gaps between the panels, and the track itself could become damaged. The heavy door only makes any of these issues even worse. One way to know that your door is misaligned is to listen closely. Do you hear a rubbing sound? This could indicate a track misalignment. To realign the track yourself, you would have to unscrew the screws holding the track and frame together. The next step is to take a rubber mallet and gently tap the track back into position. Use your level to make sure the track is now straight. Once you have determined the track is straight, you can tighten the screws back onto the frame. If your door will not move at all on the track – do not attempt to fix it yourself. In this case, it is best to employ the services of a professional garage door repair company.


Spring Issues

If your door is having spring issues – you will need expert help. Garage door springs do all the heavy lifting, and the springs are installed using a great amount of torque. If you are having trouble with your door opening or closing, or you hear a loud bang (similar to a firecracker going off), that could indicate garage door spring issues. Garage doors can come with one or two springs. If your door has two springs and one breaks, it will most likely be recommended that you change both springs. Due to safety concerns, it is best that an expert technician handles this for you. If you think you are having spring issues, do not open the door. Leave it in a closed position until a technician has had a chance to look it over.


In Marietta, GA locals agree that the company to call is Marietta Garage Door Repair. We offer 24/7 expert service, and our local technicians are knowledgeable and friendly. We regularly work with all the major brands (Craftsman, Wayne Dalton, Clopay, Sears, LiftMaster etc), and our staff believes in putting the customer first. If you are in the Marietta, GA area and are having trouble with your door, give us a call! We are happy to give you a free consultation. If you aren’t in the area, do a search to find a reliable garage door repair expert close to you. It is always the safest option to hire an experienced professional.

Article source here: Marietta Garage Door Repair: Check These Things When Your Garage Door Is Not Working

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Fees Associated with Installing a New Garage Door

If you are considering having a new garage door installed but haven’t sat down with a service professional from Marietta Garage Door Repair in Marietta, GA yet, you likely are not aware of all of the expenses associated with having a garage door installed. We’re here to let you know what you can expect so that you are not caught off guard by the expenses incurred. A garage door is a major investment and the cost should always be considered prior to having one installed. Anytime you are considering making a major purchase, you count the cost. Why wouldn’t you do the same when you are considering a new garage door? We are not able to provide you with exact figures because this will vary depending on where you live; we are able to give you a general idea of the cost you can expect to pay.


Things to Consider Prior to Garage Door Installation


Type of Door: You will have to decide which type of garage door will be best for your situation. You’ll be able to choose from various types of garage doors, steel, aluminum, wood, glass, fiberglass, etc. The least expensive type of garage door (good quality) will typically start at around $500 and go up from there. By consulting with a garage door professional prior to installation, you’ll be able to gather information about each type of door. Take the time to make sure you know what you’re getting before you buy it.


Style of Door: There are types of doors and within the type of door you like there are various types of styles. The style you choose may have windows, panels, various color options and more. Some styles even help save you money in energy expenses due to their level of insulation. The style of door you choose will also impact the price of the door. The standard, single panel door will cost the least amount of money. The more decorative the door is, the more the door will cost.


Automatic Garage Door Opener: There are not as many garage door openers offered, as there are types and styles of doors. This is good news because deciding on which type you’ll use won’t be as complicated. You can expect your garage door opener to range in price from $150 to approximately $350. This price may even include the cost of installation. If you select certain features, it could increase the cost by $50 for each additional feature.


Garage Door Lighting: We often have homeowners that request exterior lights at the same time we are installing their door. This helps minimize the cost when the job that the electrician has to do is combined with what they are already onsite to do. Save yourself a little money by considering having this job performed at the same time we are installing your garage door.



When you are about to have a new garage door installed, you should be familiar with the cost of the job upfront. You should know what you are being quoted for and what you are not. Some parts of the installation process are just standard and may not be listed in your estimate. We feel that as the homeowner, you should be aware of all that goes into creating an estimate for your garage door installation. A little research, in the beginning, will save you money and give you peace-of-mind in knowing that you can cover the expenses prior to the start of the job. There is nothing worse than starting a project and then realizing that you can’t complete it due to lack of money. We make sure that you know everything you need to before we step foot on your property to handle your installation.


Here are some of the fees that you may find included in your garage door installation estimate:


Equipment fees and materials delivered to your home. Transportation or courier fees may be charged to get the equipment and materials from one place to another.


Pre-installation preparation. This involves preparing the area where the installation is to be performed. The technician may need to do something to protect the existing structure so as not to damage any other areas of your home.


Cleanup cost once the job has been wrapped up and your garage is now ready for use.


Installation fees include the labor fees associated with the actual garage door installation. Some services may charge you an hourly fee while another one might charge per job. All installation fees are generally discussed prior to final payment.


Homeowners pay for the inspection and permit fees. This is something that you may be required to pay for in whole or in part.


You may also be charged sales taxes based on the supplies used in the job.



While we can’t be certain that some service providers will not be willing to negotiate with you, we are pretty sure that most of the aforementioned services will be administered and paid for by the customer. In addition to the aforementioned services, you may be required to pay for some things that we have not mentioned. Every service provider will have specific fees and are able to charge you according to what is customary in the area you live. No matter the cost is; you should always have a good idea of what you will be expected to pay. Make sure you know what percentage of the fees you will have to pay for certain and how many you may need to add an additional percentage on top of. The most important thing that you can do is to make sure you receive a written estimate with a signature on it. Just remember that most estimates are only good for a specified length of time. Refer to the date before you hire someone to install your garage door. The fees may have gone up since you first received your estimate.

Article source here: Fees Associated with Installing a New Garage Door

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Garage door maintenance; spores!

Having mold in your garage is a bad thing! Unfortunately, in Marietta, GA we often have damp, humid weather that can foster mold spores in any part of your house or business, including your garage! Most folks associate mold growth with bathrooms, basements, or even kitchens, but garages? If you think about it, garages are ideal for mold to grow in. They are often unventilated, dark, and contain damp or wet spots at times. Marietta Garage Door Repair offers these tips on discovering and removing mold spores in your residential or commercial garage so that you can live a healthier and more productive home or business lifestyle.

New garage mold proofing

Is your garage just now being built? Whether you are a home builder or it’s a do-it-yourself project, you can greatly reduce the possibility of mold spores forming by doing these things. Start by using building materials that mold avoids. For example use metal studs instead of wooden ones. Choose vinyl or aluminum siding for your garage walls instead of wood, and specify to your builder what you are trying to do so that he or she can offer other spore proofing methods. Wood is beautiful and can do a great job but here in Marietta, GA we often entertain wet and humid weather that can foster both mold and wood eating pests.

Mold proofing your already built garage

Is your already built garage made of wood or other non-metal materials? Try keeping mold spores out of there by ensuring that your garage is well ventilated and not air tight. Mold loves damp, dank air and having a well ventilated area can go a long way towards preventing its growth. If you need to, use air dehumidifiers to extract excess moisture out of your residential or commercial garage space.

Fix any leaks

This should be done anyway, but you really need to fix that leaky garage roof if you want to keep mold spores out of your garage! You already know that moisture, darkness and wet environments are perfect spawning grounds for mold and what could be more conducive to its growth than rain leaking through roof cracks or worn roofing tiles?

Wipe your feet!

Just kidding! You do that in the main part of the home, but in the garage; be sure to mop up any snow, water, or other wetness that can be tracked in on your tires. Liquid tends to drip off of your vehicle’s body, tires or radiator and accumulate in small pools where the moisture has the same effect as your leaky roof – enhancing mold growth.

How to eliminate mold spores

As soon as you notice that mold is growing in your garage, you need to work diligently to remove it. You can equate mold with cancer; leave a little bit of it and it will be back in full force! Remove EVERY bit of mold that you find – this is no time for doing a mediocre job!

Mold LOVES porous material. It grows and thrives on concrete walls and floors. Drywall is another porous material that is commonly found in garages. If you have mold growing on any of these surfaces, be sure to clean them well with bleach. Check your walls, floors and garage corners for any growth and use a mixture of one part bleach to four parts water to do it. Be sure to wear gloves and you can scrub the areas with a sponge or brush to remove the spores. If your garage walls are made of unfinished drywall you can just spray the bleach mixture solution directly on it and let it soak in. Don’t forget to clean the actual garage door itself, and not just the floors and walls. Be double sure to open the garage door so that the fumes don’t get to you. In fact, our Marietta Garage Door Repair crew recommends that you not only work in a well ventilated garage, you also should wear a respirator while you clean.

Vinegar works too!

That’s right; vinegar can replace the bleach if you wish to use it instead. Just be sure to use more if it; use one part vinegar to one part water for maximum cleaning strength. Add a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent for every quart of solution and use the white vinegar as opposed to the apple cider one! You can also clean effectively with denatured alcohol. Dab it on full strength with a sponge or spray it – either way works just fine. Let your cleaned garage air out and dry by leaving the door open or using a humidifier or space heater in the winter to remove any moisture.


A word of advice; NEVER use ammonia with your bleach mixture. Another “no-no” is mixing white vinegar with hydrogen peroxide. These combinations can be very toxic and should be avoided at all costs. Stick to the above formulas and you’ll be safe and mold free in no time!

Other things to consider…

Many people store items in their garage like boxes of clothes, books and memorabilia. While these things are wonderful to put into storage, avoid cardboard boxes if possible. Use plastic containers that are air tight and stackable instead. Not only do mold spores love cardboard, insects of all kinds do, too. Even the glue holding the cardboard together is a favorite of both mold and bugs. Try and avoid storing rags, fabric and any cloth items as these are also places where mold accumulates and thrives in. You can buy storage containers made of sturdy plastic at Home Depot, Lowes, Best Buy and Target. If you like shopping online; try Amazon, Wal-Mart, and even your local Craigslist for container sources.

Mold removal caught early doesn’t have to be a huge problem but it can be! Please be diligent in its removal and you should be able to lead a mold free life. There are many professional mold remediation companies in the greater Marietta, GA area but you shouldn’t need them if you take proper action now!

Article source here: Garage door maintenance; spores!

Friday, March 24, 2017


If your garage door is acting up, there are a good number of reasons you could be having difficulties. Some are straightforward, and some are problematic, but you don’t need to despair. Here are some likely possibilities and solutions.



Easy Issues


Your transmitter batteries may be low. Maybe you just need to replace them, and that will get your door open.


Garage door won’t close? The photo eyes may be out of alignment. Your garage door has a photo eye on either side, and between them is an invisible beam, which stops the door from closing when broken. Look to see if they have become misaligned or grimy.


Does your garage door opener run, but the garage door still doesn’t move? In case of power failure, your garage door opener comes with a disconnect switch, allowing you to open or close your garage door manually. This switch, normally attached to a knob or rope, can inadvertently come unhooked. What you can do:

1  Close or open the door all the way.

2  Securely reattach the hook.

3  Using the transmitter, you can try opening or closing the garage door again. It should work fine this time.


Does your garage door opener run a few seconds, then turn off? If your garage door still doesn’t move, this can happen when the door’s closed and the motor tries to lift the door, yet it won’t move.

1  Check the springs.

2  Check the track for possible obstacles.

3   See if your garage door has a built-in lock engaging by mistake. This often happens with older garage doors.


Is your garage door opening and closing at random? If your garage door opens or closes by itself, even when you’re away, it’s more than a nuisance. But don’t fret.

1  Check the transmitters. Make sure they’re not stuck under an object that is inadvertently pushing down on the control mechanism. For instance, the transmitters could be under some items you’ve forgotten in your car, or somewhere else close by.

2  Test the transmitters’ frequency. It’s possible that a neighbor of yours may have your same frequency.


What if your door goes down all the way, then opens again? Probably the open-and-close limit settings of your garage door opener are out of order. The settings tell the garage door opener how far the door should move before it’s fully closed. If set too high, the door will hit the ground before the opener estimates it should, assuming the door is touching something in its path. If so, it will reverse to keep from crushing it. Check your operator’s manual to find out how to set the open-and-close limits.



More Complicated Issues


Does your garage door close just part way, then open again? A garage door has a reversing mechanism to keep it from crushing an object in its path. The reversing instruction can be triggered by any objects on the ground blocking the garage door’s path ~ such as a bicycle, trash can, or box. There could also be a buildup of debris on the garage door tracks ~ any small object, gum, grime, and so forth ~ preventing the rollers from going forward. This can be a real problem, requiring professional attention.


Your garage door track may be out of alignment. The metal track of your garage door must stay properly aligned, or it won’t move. This is serious. Look for any bends in the rails, or gaps between the rollers and the rail. As time passes, the garage door’s weight can compound these issues, so don’t put it off. The door can become dangerous to operate. It’s time to hire an expert.


Does your garage door not go up at all? It’s very likely your garage door spring requires attention. Your garage door may have one or two torsion springs, and one or both might be broken. The door will malfunction, or simply not even open. Professional attention is required.


Does your garage door close quickly with a bang? You may have a broken tension spring, which normally counters the door’s weight. Another possibility is that the cables connected to the tension spring may be broken. Either problem can be dangerous, and calls for a garage door professional.



Tips to Prevent Future Issues


NEVER TRY to adjust your garage door, unless you’re an engineer! Avoid serious injury! If operated incorrectly, a garage door spring can actually cause severe injury, and even death. The cables, drums, and bottom brackets may also require adjustment. It’s time to hire a trustworthy professional garage door repair company. If you live in Marietta, Georgia, you may want to choose a dependable local company such as Marietta Garage Door Repair.


Follow a routine garage door maintenance schedule to prolong the life of your garage door. Particularly if you use your garage as a game room or workshop, you’ll want to keep it in topnotch shape. Keep your garage door rollers, springs, and hinges lubricated ~ at least once a year, before winter. Some experts say it’s best to lubricate them every 3 months. Use a respectable brand, so it won’t dry out. Without lubrication, the springs will rust, and the coils will eventually bind against each other. A light coating is all that’s needed.


Schedule an annual inspection with your local garage door repair service. Springs, cables, pulleys, and wires require attention from a professional.


Once a month, inspect your garage door system’s components.

1  Replace any worn parts.

2  Tighten down any loose bolts.

3  If you ever notice any strange noises as your garage door opens and closes, be sure to investigate.


At least every other year, clean your garage door to give it longer life.

1  Wash both sides with a sponge and mild dish soap and water. Rinse well with clean water.

2  Wash the garage door opener sensor eyes with a dry, clean cloth.

3  Keep the area around the sensors free of grime and cobwebs.

4  If you have a steel garage door, apply car wax if you want cold-weather protection.

5  For a wooden garage door, if you see any signs of peeling and chipping, put on a fresh coat of paint.


Garage door maintenance is relatively effortless. The little time required to keep your garage door in excellent shape is worth it. You shouldn’t have to replace it for many years.


Monday, March 6, 2017

Marietta Garage Door Repair: How to Find a Good Garage Door Service

Whether you live in Marietta, GA or anywhere in the world, Marietta Garage Door Repair wants to make the process of finding and hiring a good garage door repair service simpler to navigate through.

A credible professional is guaranteed to bring you full peace of mind. A lot of garage door repair services are quite affordable, operate around the clock and will ensure that your issues are handled in the safest possible manner. Especially in cases like broken springs and malfunctioning components, they will have all the right training and tools to prevent any more damage and provide you with long-lasting protection. You can usually expect a technician to come with a truck filled with an up to date inventory that will enable them to conduct repairs quickly if needed.

But you do need to be wary of scams that may creep up on you in your search for the ideal technician. It’s something that no industry is immune to, which is why being thorough in your research is crucial when selecting the right professional for the job.

So here are few steps to take to ensure that you are making a sound investment.

Get referrals

Word of mouth is still the best way of identifying a good repair service. See if any of your neighbors, friends, family members and trusted acquaintances are able to give you any leads. Note down any recommendations that were made so you can contact and make inquiries yourself.

Investigate closely

We would recommend you contact at least two repair services in your area. Keep your options open and don’t rush things – you need to be certain that your repair technician will give you great value for money.

One way to verify credibility is to check the Better Business Bureau for any complaints filed against them.

Make sure to actually call your selected business to learn more about their services too. It’s the best way to ascertain that you’re not dealing with a sketchy operation.

Key things to ask garage door businesses about include:

  • Details about product warranties
  • Information about credentials like licenses, certifications and insurance
  • Minimum charges for service calls, and what these entail. Some businesses may charge you basic maintenance fees, travel costs, labor, parts among other additional costs.
  • To make sure you’re hiring a local business, ask for a list of customer references in your vicinity
  • Ask how long the business has been operating in the area
  • Get a full price quote from your technician prior to approving any repairs

Money matters

A credible garage door repair service will never make their customers pay full price upfront. Partial deposits are legitimate, but anything more is likely to be a scam.

On that note, garage repairs will seldom set you back thousands of dollars. You need to get the technician to fully explain what you’re paying for – from the identified issue to the costs of repairing the damage.

Be wary of ads

Ads on the Yellow Pages or online should be held with a bit of scrutiny. Look at the language that’s used – boastful language and unverifiable claims like “the very best in the area” should be ringing alarm bells.

On the day of the repairs, try to be present

Hopefully it won’t get to this, but some scam artists will intentionally damage your property so they can get more money out of you. Stay vigilant on site, if possible, just in case the technician doing the repair work is not as credible as you previously envisioned.

Lastly, watch out for these red flags

If in doubt, request clarifications – you don’t want to feel uncomfortable over the ability of the professional you have hired to conduct your repairs. When you think something is truly amiss, check these common warning signs:

  1. The company has no physical address. Some fraudulent businesses will only list a phone number – if they’re not willing to disclose an address, they’re not worth pursuing.
  2. If the company lists an address online, check it too. Similar to the point above, scammers may list an address online for a business that simply doesn’t exist. Use Google Maps to see if the business shows up in that location, or even drive by it to see what’s out there.
  3. Are you getting pressured into making a decision? Don’t cave in, and proceed with caution. High pressure tactics should be ringing alarm bells – be wary if a technician tries to prompt you into making a quick decision by claiming that you need to the repairs immediately to protect your family or property.
  4. Door to door visits – if a company comes to your property unannounced and offers a special deal on repairs, it’s probably best to avoid them.
  5. Check how the company answers the phone. If a generic response like “garage repairs” is used and the person on the other side of the line gets defensive when prompted for the full company’s name, hang up the phone and move on the next business on your list.
  6. Cash payment and pre-payment. Both of these are huge red flags. Do not hire a company that requests full payment upfront, and avoid cash payments as much as possible.

One final thing to keep in mind

A good garage door repair service will have a solid reputation behind them. They’ll be known locally for their reliability and effective solutions, without needing to upsell their skills through loud ads. Customers are likely to spread the word about great businesses, which is why referrals, reviews and impending complaints are your best indicators when tackling the task of picking the top contenders from the unreliable pretenders in the midst.

The best thing about it is that the initial investment will go the extra mile. Once you have found the right repair service, you will be able to call on them whenever you need it for many years to come. So take your time, do your homework, and reap the benefits of your trusted technicians.

Article source here: Marietta Garage Door Repair: How to Find a Good Garage Door Service

Monday, February 20, 2017

Garage Door Safety Tips

As a homeowner, you may never stop to take the time to consider the condition that your garage door might be in as long as it is still working. Even when your garage door is still functioning the way that it should, you should still consider some the safety precautions that should be made when utilizing a garage door. The safety tips presented are especially useful when you have children. Since people use their garage for so many different things, office space, storage, hangout or something else, it is certainly worth considering the safety tips that should be taken in order to remain safe and keep others safe when using your garage.


Safety Tips & Precautions


  • There is a button that you press in order for the garage door opener to operate. Have the buttons installed high enough that children are not able to reach them.
  • If you are not able to locate your garage door remote, the first place you should look is in the hands of your children. They like to press buttons and since there are buttons on your remote, it is logical to assume they may have the remote.
  • Consult your manual in order to check to make sure your door opener’s reversing mechanism works properly. If you want to keep yourself out of harms way, contact the Marietta, Georgia service technicians at Marietta Garage Door Repair to check this feature for you. The auto reverse helps to protect you. It will stop and retract on its own if something is detected in the path of the door. Again, this is helpful when you have children to protect.
  • Put it on your calendar to inspect your garage door rollers, springs and cables to make sure they are not rusted or misaligned. If they are, it is best to get the help you need right away in order to prevent the door from no longer working.
  • If you have a garage door where children can slide their tiny hands in between the sections, consider having a garage door installed that doesn’t have panels, which could pinch their hands. If you’re not familiar with what this means, simply rely on the services of a professional garage door service technician as a precaution to ensuring no one is harmed by your garage.
  • In order to protect your belongings and possibly even someone who may be housesitting for you, unplug your garage door opener so that the door becomes unresponsive. This ensures that no incident occurs while you are away. It is best to safe rather than sorry.
  • Make sure that your garage door opener has been installed, make sure it has rolling-code technology that changes access codes whenever the opener has been used to avoid intrusion from someone without permission. If it doesn’t have these features, invest in a newer model that is certain to have the necessary security and safety features already included. You could manually change the codes yourself but why make things harder on yourself than necessary.
  • If you are noticing that your garage door doesn’t go all the way to the ground, this could pose a threat to your security. There are several reasons why your door may not go all the way to the floor, whatever the cause might be; this isn’t something that you should ignore. Get immediate help today! Doing so may protect yourself and your valuables.
  • Home invasions can occur when you leave your garage door remote in your car. Whether the door is unlocked or not, they could simply break your window and take the opener. If you have parked your car in front of your home with the remote inside, this poses a serious threat to you and your loved ones. As a precaution, NEVER leave your garage door opener remote inside your car. A good remedy for always having access to your garage remote is to purchase a key chain remote. Even with a remote, if your garage gains you access directly into your home, make sure you keep the door to you house locked at all times.
  • If your garage door has windows, it is in your best interest for you to avoid storing valuables inside your garage where others can see what you have inside. If you use your garage as storage, either have the windows tinted or have a new door installed without windows. It may seem like a drastic thing to do but it is worth the effort in order to protect those whom you love.
  • If you have given service professionals access into your garage for work, make sure you change the code on your remote or if you have a keypad, change the code every time you provide this information to someone.


While these precautions may seem like an inconvenience, they are necessary to protecting the things that matter to you the most. It is certainly up to each individual to determine what they will do in order to protect themselves and from potential harm or burglary. The tips and precautions that we have to offer were compiled based on what we have seen for ourselves. Many of the problems that occur due to your garage door, can be avoided or quickly remedied if some of the aforementioned tips and precautions are adhered to.


If you are serious about keeping you and your loved ones out of harms way, we would highly recommend that you take some, if not all, of the tips and precautions into consideration. You may not find these to be very practical right now but we assure you that you will be able to benefit them if properly applied. We know that these precautions and tips work or else we wouldn’t share them with you. Again, adhering to them is a great way to protect you and your loved ones from having your cherished belongings stolen or from being harmed. Even if you apply some of the tips, which apply to your situation, we’re sure you’ll reap the benefit of having peace-of-mind.

Article source here: Garage Door Safety Tips

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Troubleshooting Garage Door Openers

Your garage door opener is one hard worker! Each time you access your garage, your trusty opener system works along with your springs and cables to lift and lower your very heavy (several hundred pounds) door; again and again for years! Our garage door openers offer real convenience. Without them, we’d have to get in and out of our cars and manually open or close our garage doors each time we used them. Many remember having to do just that in the “old days” and a few still do.

A working garage door opener system not only gives us convenience, it also provides a form of security as we don’t have to leave the safety and comfort of our vehicles in order to move the garage door up and down. If you consider that you’ve momentarily left your car to open your garage door, you realize that a thief or burglar could easily jump in and drive off with your vehicle or even attack you and get access to your key ring that most likely includes access to your home. Having a garage door opener that works, bypasses all this hassle, and potential danger.

Our Marietta Garage Door Repair shop offers fast and affordable repair, installation and replacement options for your home or business garage door opener. While our service is always done at your convenience, you may wish to explore some troubleshooting options just in case your garage door opener decides to stop working as it should.

Do This First!

If your Marietta, GA garage door opener isn’t working, don’t panic. You might see dollar signs and potential big bills flashing through your mind but often the solution is a simple and very cost effective (even free!) one. Start by checking your power supply. If nothing happened when you pushed the “power” button on your garage wall or remote then be sure to apply this step. Find the electrical outlet on your garage ceiling where your opener unit is plugged into. Did you find it? Now, unplug the opener by pulling the cord out. Plug something else into it for the test. You can use a small appliance like a shaver or a radio. Does the appliance work? If yes, it’s not your power supply. If not, be sure to check your breaker box to see if one of them has tripped. If so, you will need to reset it. You’d be surprised how many times Marietta Garage Door Repair has responded to a service call and simply found that the power supply was the culprit. Save yourself some time and money by checking first.

On To Step Two!

So your power supply is fine. Try this. Let’s see if your opener system has somehow locked. Many opener units have a locking mechanism on the wall switch that can be triggered into the “off” position. Something as simple as a bump can sometimes cause your opener system to lock down. Not all openers have this lock. If you are not sure about yours, check your owner’s manual or do a YouTube search for your particular opener model to find out more.

Step 3 – Your Safety Eyes!

It’s true. Something as simple as your garage door’s safety eyes can cause your opener system to stop working. Our Marietta Garage Door Repair crew often finds that a blocked signal is the cause for many garage door opener service calls. In crowded garages, it’s very simple for a bicycle or garden rake to bump one of our safety eyes so that the light beam from one sensor doesn’t connect with the other one.

Bumps aren’t the only thing that can cause your safety eyes to stop working. They may have become unplugged from the power source or even some of their wiring could have been cut or frayed by having a shovel or something heavy fall on them. Again, check your owner’s manual (if you have it), or go online and “Google” your opener unit’s brand to see what videos come up relating to its repair or to safety eye alignment.

More Tips

Be double sure to check the battery in your remote! And no, your remote is NOT your opener! Many people confuse this and there’s a difference. After all, your television’s remote is not the TV is it? Your entire garage door opener system can work like a charm and need no repair or even adjustment but if your remote’s battery is dead, it won’t operate like usual. Simply take out the battery and test it if you have a battery tester. If not, don’t despair. In Marietta GA you can take that battery to any Radio Shack, Wal-Mart or K-Mart store and they will test it for you for free. Most home improvement stores like Lowe’s or Home Depot will too.

Marietta Garage Door Repair also recommends this fast and simple test. You can override your garage door’s sensors by pressing the wall switch and holding it down. Use this tip when you are trying to operate your garage door and all you get is blinking lights but no door movement.

You can also check your garage door opener’s capacitor. You can look online for videos and easy instructions on how to do this or you can just follow these simple steps. Firstly, unplug the unit; you don’t need shocks to yourself or further damage to your system by leaving it plugged in. Secondly, open the panel to your mounted garage door opener. Look for any bulging or leaking of fluid. If you see any, you’ll need to replace the capacitor. A new one of the same size simply snaps into place. Replace the panel and plug the opener unit back into the power source.

If you’ve tried these helpful tips and your opener still doesn’t work you may need it serviced or even replaced. You can always call your favorite automotive garage door repair shop or you can try our helpful Marietta Garage Door Repair service. Don’t forget, we offer free consultations, free price quotes, affordable rates and same day appointments!

Article source here: Troubleshooting Garage Door Openers