Wednesday, September 7, 2016

This Is How You Steal 7 Audis From A Garage And Get Away Scot-Free

This Is How You Steal 7 Audis From A Garage And Get Away Scot-Free

Watch as seven Audis are stolen in one night by one bold group of thieves.

Car security is violated on a new level in this video, taken from an Audi dealership service center in San Francisco. The beginning is something from an "Indiana Jones" movie as the outside gate lowers and the thieves run in underneath it, gaining access to the garage in the process. From there the thieves are seen walking around with flashlights surveying what's up for the taking. They're a little sloppy, though. Why didn't they consider the cameras at the dealership?

 Read more: This Is How You Steal 7 Audis From A Garage And Get Away Scot-Free

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